Educating local youth on sustainability. This is the goal of the project named “GENERATION FOR REGENERATION. Networking education for the ecological change” promoted by the Comitato d’Intesa, Belluno, and financed by Fondazione Cariverona within the scope of the announcement FORMAT.
The purpose of this initiative is to promote education among young people on the new concepts of sustainability, according to an approach of capacity building which involves participants in activities designed to encourage learning through experience. “The project strives to adapt on a local scale the priorities set off internationally by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as well as the priorities set off at the European level, by the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027,” the promoters explain. “Collaboration is the fundamental principle: all those involved in this network make knowledge, skills and experience available to young people.”
The project is going to last two years and involves many entities in the area. With Comitato d’Intesa, the lead partner, the other partners are: Cantiere della Provvidenza Società Persona Ambiente Cooperativa sociale Onlus, Associazione Gruppi Insieme Si Può… Onlus – ONG, Cooperativa Portaperta Sociale Onlus IS, Associazione Bellunesi nel Mondo APS, Associazione Amici delle Scuole in Rete APS.
The project offers a series of courses about environmental education for schools (outdoors and indoors) as well as about civic activism with peer-to-peer educational modes. It provides for the testing of innovative educational tools, including digital ones, all related to nonformal education.
Among the planned courses is this online course consisting of 10 video lessons, in English, created by Giulia Francescon, Ernestina Dalla Corte Lucio and the Gruppo Giovani dell’Associazione Bellunesi nel Mondo with the support of Radio ABM – voce delle Dolomiti.